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83 Station Road, Barnet, EN5 1PX

Before and after results of professional Teeth Whitening in Barnet at Mona Lisa Clinic.

Teeth Whitening FAQs: Safety, Sensitivity, and Results

Teeth Whitening in Barnet

If you’re considering brightening your smile, teeth whitening in Barnet at Mona Lisa Smile Clinic might be on your mind. This blog post answers some frequently asked questions about teeth whitening, focusing on safety, sensitivity, and the results you can expect. Whether you visit our dentist in Barnet or explore other options, it’s essential to be informed about the process.


What is Teeth Whitening?

Teeth whitening is a popular cosmetic dental procedure aimed at lightening the natural colour of your teeth without removing any of the tooth surfaces. It can significantly enhance your smile and overall facial aesthetics. At Mona Lisa Smile Clinic, our dentist in Barnet uses advanced techniques to ensure safe and effective results.

How Does Professional Teeth Whitening Work?

At Mona Lisa in Barnet, our professional teeth whitening process involves the use of a bleaching gel that contains hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide. When applied to your teeth, the gel’s active ingredients break down, releasing oxygen molecules that penetrate the enamel and dentin to break up stains. The result is a brighter and whiter smile, achieved safely under the supervision of our skilled dental team.

Is Teeth Whitening Safe?

Safety is a common concern when it comes to teeth whitening. The good news is that when conducted by a professional dentist in Barnet, teeth whitening is a safe procedure. At Mona Lisa Smile Clinic, we use high-quality, tested products that adhere to safety standards, ensuring that your health is never compromised. Our experienced team monitors your progress and customises the treatment to suit your specific needs, reducing any risks associated with over-the-counter whitening kits.

At Mona Lisa, we ensure that the health of your teeth is paramount. Our teeth whitening treatments in Barnet adhere to strict safety standards, and we debunk common myths such as:

FALSE: “Teeth whitening strips a layer of your tooth.”
FALSE: “Teeth whitening ruins your teeth.”
FALSE: “Teeth whitening damages the enamel.”
Extensive research has shown no significant long-term effects associated with professional teeth whitening treatments containing safe levels of whitening agents. We only proceed with whitening after a thorough assessment of your dental health to ensure suitability and safety.

Will Teeth Whitening Cause Sensitivity?

Some people experience tooth sensitivity during or after the whitening process. This sensitivity is usually temporary and subsides after the treatment ends. At Mona Lisa Smile Clinic, our dentist in Barnet takes special care to minimise sensitivity by using techniques that protect the enamel and by recommending specific post-treatment care routines to our patients.

How Long Does Teeth Whitening Last?

The longevity of teeth whitening results can vary based on several factors, including your dietary habits, oral hygiene, and the natural colour of your teeth. Generally, the effects of professional teeth whitening in Barnet can last from a few months to up to three years. To maintain the results longer, you should avoid foods and beverages that stain teeth, such as coffee, tea, and red wine, and follow a thorough oral hygiene regimen.

Can I Whiten My Teeth If I Have Fillings or Crowns?

Teeth whitening only works on natural teeth and will not affect the colour of fillings, crowns, or veneers. If you have these restorations, especially in your front teeth, you might need to consider other cosmetic options, such as replacements or veneers, to match your newly whitened natural teeth. Our dentist in Barnet can advise you on the best course of action during your consultation.

Before and after results of professional Teeth Whitening in Barnet at Mona Lisa Clinic.

What Are the Benefits of Teeth Whitening in Barnet?

Choosing to have your teeth whitened in Barnet at Mona Lisa Smile Clinic comes with several benefits:

  • Confidence Boost: A brighter smile can significantly boost your confidence, improving your social interactions and even professional opportunities.
  • Customised Treatments: Unlike one-size-fits-all solutions, our treatments are tailored to your specific dental needs and cosmetic goals.
  • Expert Care: With a professional dentist in Barnet, you receive expert care and guidance throughout the process, ensuring optimal results and safety.
  • Enhanced Oral Health: While the primary goal is aesthetics, the cleaning process involved in teeth whitening can also improve your oral health by removing plaque and surface stains.

How to Prepare for Teeth Whitening?

To get the most out of your teeth whitening treatment in Barnet, it’s important to prepare properly:

  • Professional Cleaning: Having your teeth cleaned by a dentist in Barnet before whitening can enhance the results, as it removes surface tartar and debris.
  • Dental Check-up: Ensure that all dental problems, such as cavities and gum disease, are addressed before undergoing whitening to avoid complications.
  • Discuss Expectations: Talk with your dentist in Barnet about your expectations and any concerns you might have. This will help tailor the treatment to your needs.

What Should I Expect When Starting Professional Teeth Whitening?

Starting your teeth whitening journey at Mona Lisa in Barnet involves a comprehensive consultation to assess your dental health and discuss your aesthetic goals. We consider any previous dental work, such as crowns, veneers, or bridges, which do not respond to whitening treatments. This ensures we plan a treatment that aligns with the overall aesthetics of your existing dental work.

To begin, simply schedule a consultation with us to discuss your needs and explore your teeth whitening options.

What Does Professional Teeth Whitening Include?

At Mona Lisa in Barnet, we offer two main types of professional teeth whitening: Standard and Premier Enlighten Teeth Whitening. Here’s what each option entails:

  • Standard Tooth Whitening:
    System: Home whitening for 2 weeks.
  • Whitening trays: Standard fit, achieving a subtle, natural whitening effect.
  • Side effects: Some mild sensitivity expected.
  • Maintenance: Occasional whitening every 2 months to maintain shade.
Premier Enlighten Tooth Whitening:
  • System: Home whitening for 2 weeks plus in-surgery power whitening for optimal results.
    Whitening trays: Custom-fitted with gum protection, allowing the use of stronger whitening gels.
  • Side effects: Includes desensitizing treatments to minimize sensitivity.
    Maintenance: Less frequent touch-ups required; robust against stains from smoking or drinking.
  • Results: Guaranteed bright white outcome, with the ability to control the level of whiteness.

Can I Still Enjoy Coffee and Red Wine?

Yes, but with caution during the whitening process. We recommend avoiding substances that can stain your teeth, like coffee, red wine, and tobacco, during the active phase of teeth whitening to maximize results. With our Premier Enlighten system, dietary restrictions are more relaxed, but a ‘whiter diet’ leads to better results. Regular maintenance and hygiene appointments will help tackle any new stains, allowing you to enjoy your favourite drinks without compromising your bright smile.

What Solutions Are Used for Teeth Whitening at Mona Lisa?

At Mona Lisa, we offer a variety of teeth whitening solutions, including Carbamide Peroxide, Carbamide Peroxide with Potassium Nitrate and Fluoride, and Hydrogen Peroxide. Each type has been selected for its effectiveness and safety, ensuring you achieve a brighter smile with minimal discomfort.

Will Teeth Whitening Work for Me?

Teeth whitening results can vary from person to person. The procedure tends to be most effective on yellowish-brown stains, whereas grey or purple stains, often caused by antibiotic tetracycline or fluorosis, may not respond as well. During your consultation at Mona Lisa in Barnet, we will assess the type of staining and discuss expected outcomes.

How Long Does Teeth Whitening Take?

At Mona Lisa, we offer both in-office and at-home whitening options:

In-office Whitening: This procedure is quick and effective, typically taking about one hour. While you relax in our comfortable setting, you can enjoy amenities like DirectTV or our free internet to share your experience in real-time.

At-home Whitening Trays: These are used for a more gradual whitening process, ideal for maintaining your shade after in-office treatment. The frequency and duration depend on your specific needs and the degree of whitening desired.

Should I Get a Dental Cleaning Before Teeth Whitening?

For optimal results, we recommend having a professional dental cleaning at Mona Lisa before undergoing teeth whitening. This ensures that the whitening agents work more effectively on a clean, plaque-free surface. You can schedule both the cleaning and whitening on the same day for convenience.

Before and after results of professional Teeth Whitening in Barnet at Mona Lisa Clinic.
Does Teeth Whitening Hurt?

While some patients may experience mild sensitivity during or after the whitening process, at Mona Lisa, we take measures to minimize discomfort. Our dentist may recommend specific toothpastes to use before and after the procedure and will tailor the whitening protocol to reduce sensitivity.

Will Whitening My Teeth Damage My Enamel?

Whitening your teeth under the supervision of our professional team at Mona Lisa significantly reduces any risks, including damage to enamel or gums. We use reputable and safe whitening products and follow stringent application protocols to protect your oral health.

How Much Does Teeth Whitening Cost?

The cost of teeth whitening at Mona Lisa varies depending on the type of treatment chosen. Our in-office treatments are more costly but provide immediate results, while take-home kits are more budget-friendly over the long term. We offer various specials throughout the year, so please check with us for current promotions.

Do I Need to Do Anything Special Before or After Teeth Whitening?

Before whitening, no special preparation is required other than a routine dental cleaning if needed. After whitening, to maximize and maintain your results, avoid staining foods and drinks like coffee, tea, and red wine for at least 48 hours. We also recommend avoiding smoking to preserve the whiteness of your teeth.

Will Teeth Whitening Affect My Veneers, Crowns, or Bonding?

Teeth whitening will not change the color of dental veneers, crowns, or bonding. These restorations are made from materials that do not respond to whitening agents. If you have visible dental work, we may suggest alternative cosmetic treatments to ensure a uniform smile.

How Long Does Teeth Whitening Last?

The duration of teeth whitening results varies by individual but generally lasts several months to a year, depending on lifestyle and oral hygiene. Regular dental cleanings, avoiding staining substances, and using custom take-home trays for maintenance can all help prolong the effects.


Before and after results of professional Teeth Whitening in Barnet at Mona Lisa Clinic.

Choosing the Right Dentist for Teeth Whitening in Barnet

The key to a successful teeth whitening experience is choosing the right dentist. At Mona Lisa Smile Clinic, we pride ourselves on providing top-notch dental care and cosmetic treatments. Our experienced dentists are skilled in the latest whitening techniques, ensuring that you receive the best possible results in a comfortable and welcoming environment.

Teeth whitening in Barnet is a great way to improve your smile and boost your confidence. By choosing Mona Lisa Smile Clinic, you ensure that your treatment is safe, effective, and tailored to your needs. If you have any more questions or are ready to brighten your smile, don’t hesitate to contact us. Remember, a brighter smile is just an appointment away!

If you’re considering enhancing your smile with teeth whitening in Barnet, visit us at Mona Lisa Smile Clinic, 83 Station Road, Barnet, EN5 1PX, or get in touch at or 020 8449 3411. Our welcoming team is eager to assist you in achieving the radiant smile you deserve!

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