At Mona Lisa Smiles, our skilled dental hygienists work closely with our dentists to keep your smile bright and healthy. They provide a comprehensive clean that not only enhances the appearance of your smile but also offers additional benefits, including:
Expert advice on maintaining optimal oral health through proper brushing and flossing, especially important for managing severe gum issues like gingivitis and periodontitis.les!
Personalized guidance on establishing an effective home cleaning routine, along with tips on diet and lifestyle to support oral health.
Assistance with nutrition for a healthy mouth and support for quitting smoking.
We offer both routine hygiene appointments and advanced treatments such as Airflow polishing. Airflow polishing uses a jet of air, water, and fine powder to gently remove plaque and stains, leaving your teeth smooth and polished.
At Mona Lisa Smiles, we believe prevention is better than cure, and our hygienists are key to this approach. They work to manage plaque and tartar, helping to avoid dental issues that could become costly and invasive if left untreated.
Our hygienists also provide an extra level of care. If they detect any issues during your visit, they will alert you and ensure you see your dentist to address problems before they escalate.
With direct access appointments, you can see a hygienist without needing a dentist consultation first. Book your appointment today at Mona Lisa Smiles!